Stamshaw Junior School
For many years Portsmouth Primary SCITT delivered training in a training centre in Paulsgrove, but with the development of the new Beacon View school building, the old 60s dining room that had been used as the classroom, was earmarked for demolition.
Being a long-established Teacher Training Provider for Portsmouth, we were obviously keen to stay based within the city bounds and continue to work with our dedicated partnership schools and mentors. Our search for a suitable training room commenced.
As part of The University of Chichester Academy Trust considering Trust schools was a sensible idea. Rob Jones, Headteacher at Stamshaw Junior School first approached us to explain he had an old art room that was only sporadically used that might prove suitable. After much discussion, we took SJS up on the offer and set about repurposing the room to serve our trainees. We currently have a cohort of 30 trainees, the majority of whom are from the local area or have chosen to study in Portsmouth due to its unique demographic.
The trainees started with us after their Easter break in the brand new training room – decorated and furnished with their specific needs in mind, with comfy break out and casual dining areas also included.
The benefits of being fully integrated into a school, will take time to come to fruition, but immediately, on their first day back the trainees were able to use the school grounds for a PE input; this is the kind of space they would be using when they become teachers themselves. Andrea Taylor, our Science and PE Expert said that she hadn’t realised how difficult it had been to previously teach PE in a confined space. Stamshaw’s grounds made it so much more enjoyable for all. We hope to further develop our relationship with Rob Jones and his staff, to work collaboratively to benefit all. We even hope to invite the school councillors to help us in our interview process and decide who has potential to train to teach with us!
Where are we?
Stamshaw Junior School is located in the north-western corner of Portsea Island, close to the M275 and less than 2 miles from the nearest train station. With extensive school grounds, Stamshaw Junior also benefits from being close to two large parks, and Portsmouth’s main area for sporting facilities
To find out more about Stamshaw Junior School, visit the school website or their Facebook Page