The School Centred Approach
Hands-on Training
Portsmouth SCITT can give a considerable amount of individual support to each trainee
Our aim is to train good teachers and our standards are high. Trainees are assessed throughout the course in two main ways; through the taught element of the course leading to a Postgraduate qualification and school-based training leading to Qualified Teacher Status.
Trainees will have half a term of workshops in primary subjects, based mainly at our training room, followed by half a term of teacher training in their placement school. Primary trainees will complete their practice at Key Stages 1 and 2, whilst early years trainees will complete their practice at reception or nursery and Key Stage 1. A total of three teaching practices is required and will cover the age range of 5-11 and 3-7, respectively. Normally, two of the placements will take place in one school and one in another, which should have a contrasting age range and catchment area to the first school.
In school, each trainee will be placed with a mentor. The mentors are experienced teachers who have been selected for their readiness to share expertise and support development. The trainees will spend a total of 24 weeks each in the classroom working alongside not only their designated mentors, but also other teachers in the school who are subject experts in their field.
Assessment is based on trainees’ ability to meet the standards in Professional Standards for Qualified Teacher Status and Requirements for Initial Teacher Training.
Trainees are required to submit a portfolio of 3 assignments based on classroom research embedded in primary practice.
Masters Level Work
Trainees are offered the opportunity to study for 60 M-Level credits towards a Masters degree in addition to the Professional Certificate and Qualified Teacher Status awards.